Sunday, February 12, 2012

Answer "the door"

     In a world and society that is built upon fear, I have been drenched in beliefs and teachings that have left me void and filled with chaos, running "to and fro" searching for knowledge and seeking the chosen special one or ones that could help me find the door to exit this hell. Having grown up in the bible belt, Christianity had the major influences in my search for relief but what I was met with was more chaos and teachings telling me to react and add to the fears I was drowning in. Sure, some of it did throw me a life preserver I could cling to but swimming was my goal.

So accepting what was given to me to work with while I cling to the presever, sandwiched between the fear filled world and the fear filled guidance of Christianity, I had the bible, God and Satan, and a bunch of fearful woe is me must do's and must not do's. After collapsing under that pressure my opinion and truth came pouring out, "God you gave me a crap load of .."dysfunctional" (aahum!) that does not work and does not help!"

To make a long story short, that slip of "truth" opened a door within me and has since taught and shown me that we are each "the door" that can open to the "the way" of light shining in darkness, giving each of us our own knowledge and skills of understanding how to use whatever it is that has been given to us, to take the dysfunctional and turn it into functional, rather than being stuck and helpless in choas.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:

Jesus is not going to knock on someone else's door to speak with you, so get a grip and stop running around trying to find others and their doors to receive Him through, you are your own and only door!

I have new goals besides just swimming now, some want ancient signs and wonders as proof of God with "part these waters so I can walk on dry ground!" but I will say "nay" give me understanding and skills to walk on water and on dry ground!

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